Medical & Pharmaceutical

Custom Packaging Solutions to Meet Demanding Standards

Advance your packaging value.

Packaging is an integral part of medical, pharmaceutical, and OTC products. And packaging choices are challenged with delivering a combination of quality, protection, and compliance.

Product advancements in these markets requires packaging that keeps devices and medications safe and secure, without losing sight of the importance of brand visibility. You need creative solutions that deliver on those changing packaging requirements.

Packaging solutions delivered with care.

At JBM, we understand that packaging for medical and pharmaceutical industries demands the highest specifications. Our Innovation Team has created custom packages and bags for medical, pharmaceutical, laboratory, and veterinary fields – including envelopes and packets for OTC and prescription pills and powders. Our packaging problem solvers collaborate with you to choose the appropriate materials and design to meet the specific sterilization, barrier, or protection requirements.

We specialize in glassine – sterilizable packaging made from lightweight, translucent paper. We customize glassine into foldable packages to meet our customers’ product specifications – ideal for medical and laboratory applications to contain and protect tools and accessories, such as surgical needles and eye spears.

And our high-end printing processes on even difficult-to-print papers ensure patient instructions, laboratory directives, or brand identity are included on every package.

Let’s improve medical care one package at a time.

Lab & Medical Supplies

Quality performance designed to meet precise specifications.


Creative solutions tailored for a growing industry.

Case Study

Our customers have great experiences to share. We’re proud of the advanced solutions and improved efficiencies we’ve helped develop for them.