Looking for a unique way to connect with your customer through packaging? Windows offer a sneak peek at your product and can even allow your customer to touch and feel it without opening the packaging. This feature creates curiosity and quickly develops a positive impression of your brand. It creates a premium look that puts your product on display and showcases the size, shape, texture, and color that a customer will not otherwise see until opening.
Even with all of the benefits, you may have some preconceived notions about windows that have prevented you from incorporating them into your packaging design. We’re here to debunk those misconceptions and give you some ideas on how to unleash their potential.
Misconception #1: Windows Are Expensive
Let’s tackle this one right away. Windowed packages can often cost more than plain paper packages but incorporating them can also reduce costs elsewhere in the packaging process. For example, windows can create efficiencies when inserting your product into your packaging, particularly if your current packaging requires stapling or gluing a header card to a plastic bag. By switching to a one-piece envelope with a window, you save resources, labor packing time, and overall costs. Additionally, adding a window feature can help increase sales because your customer can quickly see if your product fits their needs.

Misconception #2 Windows Take Away Valuable Space for Branding
If you’re transitioning from a paper or solid packaging design, it may seem logical that the space being used for a window would decrease your space for messaging, but it simply isn’t true. You can actually increase your brandable space by printing on the inside of the package in the area behind your product with copy or a colored background. This opens many opportunities to get creative and incorporate your brand messaging inside, outside and around your window, allowing you to communicate with your customers in a more distinctive way.

Misconception #3 Windows Only Come in Standard Sizes and Shapes
It may come as a surprise, but your options are almost limitless. Beyond your standard rectangle or square options, you can incorporate nearly unlimited window sizes and attention-grabbing die-cut shapes. From letters, symbols and logos to edge-to-edge full-view windows, you can get creative to make a statement or draw interest.

Misconception #4 Windows Are Not Sustainable
Polystyrene, polyester and polypropylene window films are made from plastic and are the most commonly used window materials. However, there are eco-friendly window options if sustainability is a priority. One way to achieve this is to not use a film at all. An open window allows your product to be seen and touched. Another option is to use a translucent wood acetate, which is biodegradable, recyclable and looks and functions just like plastic. This means your customers can see your product and know—with simple on-pack communication—that it was packaged with sustainable materials that can be recycled in an environmentally responsible way.

How to Know If Windows Are Right for You
Sometimes, incorporating a window in your packaging is a no-brainer. If your product must be seen before purchase (example, a fishing lure) or it creates a beautiful color story (example, a sticker or magnet), then incorporating a window is a must-have feature that will help your customer identify what you’re selling and why they need it. It provides an instant view so they can make a purchase decision quickly.
But these aren’t the only reasons. Windows allow you to get creative, have fun with your product and help you stand out from competitors in almost any industry. Common product categories that work well with windowed packaging are food, accessories and small goods, beauty and cosmetics, magnets and stickers, apparel and fashion — the possibilities are endless.
No matter what type of product you sell, take a closer look at your packaging design and how it’s representing your brand and connecting with your customers. We’d like to learn more about your packaging needs to help you incorporate windows into your design and create a memorable first impression.
Want to see if windowed packaging fits your needs?